
liberalism, socialism, conservativism: concept of the individual, community, state and power, attitude twds. change
1689 The Bill of Rights
1776 The American Declaration of Independence
1789 The French Declaration of the Rights of Man
John Locke: The Two Treatises of Government
Edmund Burke: Reflections on the French Revolution
Montesquieu: The Spirit of Laws
Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations
Classical (pure, unchecked, laissez-faire) liberalism
Social (checked, reformist) liberalism
Laissez-faire in economics
Minimalist vs. paternalist state
Jeremy Bentham, James Mill: Utilitarianism
John Stuart Mill: Utilitarianism (criticism), The Subjection of Women (Harriet Taylor)


Queen Victoria (Victorian values)
Reform Bills: 3 measures of electoral reform: 1832, 1867, 1885
Reform of Education: 1881 (compulsory elem. educ), 1891 (+free)
The 'Two Nations'
Chartism, People's Charter (William Lovett)
Great Exhibition
Conflict btw. religion and science:
Charles Darwin: On the Origin of Species (1859)
Herbert Spencer: ' The survival of the fittest' (Social Darwinism)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Philosophical conservativism
John Henry Newman (The Oxford Movement/ Tractarianism) vs. liberalism
high church, low church, Nonconformists, evangelicalism
Florence Nightingale: Cassandra

British Foreign Policy in the 19th Century

Foreign Office
1815: The Congress of Vienna, the 'concert system'
Lord Palmerston (and GB's foreign political principles)
Benjamin Disraeli, William Evart Gladstone
Change in the balance of power after 1871 (the German unity) +
the Eastern Question
reasons for colonisation
1899-1902: The 2nd Boer War
1890's: the Scramble for Africa
splendid isolation and 1904: Entente Cordiale
Dominions vs. Colony (the most significant ones)
1875. purchase of Suez Canal shares (50%)

1801: Act Of Union
1829: Catholic Emancipation Act
Irish Grievances (Political, social, economic)
David O'Connell (Catholic Association)
The Potato Blight 1845-48
Disestablishment of the Anglican Church
Irish Republican Brotherhood
Charles Parnell
Fenian Society (John O'Leary)
Sinn Fein, IRA
W.E. Gladstone and Home Rule, 3Fs
1916 Eastern Rising
1922 Irish Free State

The Great War and After

George V
1909: People's Budget (Lloyd George): forefather of welfare state
The birth of Labour Party
1914-18. The Great War: Entente Powers vs. Central Powers
1919 The Treaty of Versailles: comprehensive selective settlement (punitive treaty), uneven application of the ethnic principle, reparation
economic consequences of WWI
Lloyd George and the decline of the liberal party
Suffragettes, WSPU (Emeline Pankhurst)
Franchise: 1918, 1928

World Economic Crisis (Great Depression) 1929-32

Post-war economic triangle: dependence on USA
John Maynard Keynes (government intervention),end of laissez faire econ. ideal

Failure of Collective Security and Appeasement

British policy of semi-isolation: 3 circles of interest
George VI
Collective Security: creation of League of Nations (President W. Wilson, aims) and its failure (reasons)
1931: Statute of Westminster: British Commonwealth of Nations
1933: Hitler's advent to power
Basics of Nazi ideology
Appeasement (1937-1939) and reasons
Neville Chamberlain vs. W. Churchill
Munnich Four-Power Conference and consequences
March 1939: Hitler invades Czechoslovakia =end of appeasement
Sept 1939: Hitler invades Poland: 2nd WW (Allies vs. Axis Powers)
Sept 1940- The Battle of Britain
1943: Teheran meeting
1944: Moscow: Percentage Agreement
1945: Yalta: UNO

Welfare State

2nd WW=People's War, total war
lend-lease and the econ. consequences of WWII in GB
1942 Beveridge-Report (William Beveridge)
1945-elections: Clement Attlee Lab PM (1945-51)
Nationalisation: mixed economy
Education Act (free secondary education)
1946: National Health Service Act (Aunerin Bevan)
welfare-state, positive and negative effects (A.Solzhenytsin)
consumer society vs. environmental protection
era of interpretation

Post-War Foreign Policy: Britain and the EC

Steps towards polarization (Cold War):
1946: Fulton-speech (Iron-curtain)
1947. Truman Doctrine
1948 Marshall Aid (George Marshall)
1949 NATO (Ernest Bevin)
Warshaw Pact
1956 Suez Crisis (Nasser, Anthony Eden, Eisenhower, UNO)

Steps Towards Integration:
1946 Zurich speech
1951: ECSC, Euratom
1957 Treaties of Rome: EEC
European Comission,
Council of the European Union (European Council)
European Parliament
European Court of Justice
British Attitude towards EC:
reasons for reluctance to join and the creation of the EFTA
GB applies for membership (reasons) vs. President Charles De Gaulle
1973: GB to EC (Edward Heath Cons PM vs. Hugh Gaitskell Lab MP)
(Queen Elisabeth)

Multicultural Society

1947 India (Pakistan)
1960's: Wind of Change-speech (Harold Macmillan Cons PM)
Waves of immigration
Enoch Powell
1958 Race Relations Act
1st Commonwealth Immigration Act
2nd Commonwealth Immigration Act
1965 Race Relations Act
affluent society, permissive society


Margaret Thatcher (1979-1990), values
EU-Scepticism: The Frontiers of a State-speech
Nigel Lawson
Falklands War (Falkland Factor)
Miners' Strike